-30. Get into the room. Pace. Get the feel. Walk to the back.
-29. Sort the temperature as best you can. Remember: it will get warmer.
-28. Remove distractions. Stuff left on white-boards. Yesterday's sandwiches.
-27. Load and check your slides.
-23. Adjust the furniture as best you can to get the audience as 'intimate' as you can.
-19. Ensure you have a flip-chart for impromptu stuff.
-17. Practice your opening 3 minutes, twice.
-11. Check your clothes.
-10. Get a bottle of water: have a sip.
-9. Walk tall. Breathe easily.
-6. Greet first arrivals. Smile and raise your energy.
-2. Scan and check all OK. Say 'We'll be starting in 2'.
-1. Close the door.
0. Start with a bang (and do not acknowledge late-comers until later).