Sometime Autumn/Fall 1962. The back of a maroon and grey Commer van.
Neil (for it was he, Neil Aspinall): alright, boys? Not long now!
John: That’s what you said New Year’s Eve 1961, Neil. And that took us over ten f*cking hours. And we didn’t get the deal.
Ringo: Decca’s f* cking loss. Anyhow this is a lot more fun than the Hurricanes.
Paul: hey, don’t give him a hard time. If he weren’t doing this we’d be still getting to gigs on the bus. Mind you, be more comfortable than lying on top of Ringo’s kit. Drum kit, that is.
George: so, what are we opening with, Paul? And you can send more of the jelly babies my way tonight.
John: usual. Lots of stuff with love in the title.
Paul: what’s your problem, John? It gets us the birds.
John: there’s more to life than birds, Paul. We’ve got to keep writing more original material. All those other bands can do is covers. We’re singer-songwriters. Remember?
Paul: OK, John. But that's a bit rich coming from you...more to Life than girls!
George: pack it in lads. That’s what we’re goin’ to be. Rich.
Ringo: well. Let’s see. After all, it’s going to be a hard day’s night. Wake me when we get to the gig.
That's another reason we love The Beatles