- A professional has a pen;
- doesn't complain about jet lag; it came with the job they accepted;
- gets places on time. Whatever.
- Is friendly at the check-in desk. Not just to get a free up-grade.
- Knows what's important.
- Doesn't ever, ever say: I don't have time. That's a given: they have an exciting job, cool friends and a loving family. That’s why they don’t have time.
- But a professional can and does make necessary choices including:
- doing what’s necessary, even when they don’t feel like doing it;
- whether it’s one more sales call;
- one more customized job application;
- or a bed-time story to their four and six year olds;
- or getting up at 515am to make the appointment in Felixtowe.
- He/she prefers I/we and owning an issue rather than he/she/they and blaming others.
- Keeps his/her feet on the ground and knows the price of 1 litre of milk.
- Parks in the right place not in those reserved for customers. Unless he/she is a customer.
- Thanks people; whether or not the person was just ‘doing their job’;
- Looks people in the eye and speaks clearly, rather than mutter from the depths of their laptop.
- Doesn't check their phone in the middle of your conversation.
- Follows-through. Follows-up. Closes down.
- Follows the best in their field; is determined to be within the top 10%;
- Respects difference but allows no excuses;
- Leads through skill, competence and attitude not (solely) job title.
- Knows any system can be improved.;
- Listens to understand not just to be polite.
- Keeps his/her addictions e.g. junk TV under control.
- Understands the weather was intended as a daily challenge, not a daily comfort. And runs 5km whatever.
- Every person who has mastered a profession is a skeptic concerning it. George Bernard Shaw
- Knows the 'off' switch as well as the 'vibrate' switch on their Blackberry.
- Has decided their priorities;
- and their daily activities are aligned with those priorities.
- Can cope with odd-numbered lists.
- Doesn’t use ‘everybody’ does it’ as an excuse.
- Thinks through the consequences of an action.
- Helps others in their career just as (or not) others helped him/her on their career.
- Understands every day is perfect for the challenges they need.
- Can iron a shirt. Box-fold, too. Get coffee stains out of a blouse. And stop a shaving cut really quickly;
- Has a plan B, even if they are M&S.
- Knows how to pronounce the name of their Japanese host;
- Stays quiet about his/her views of bull-fighting when in Spain;
- Reads deep;
- Reads wide;
- The best augury of a man’s success in his profession is that he thinks it the finest in the world. George Eliot
- Realises that work is only the day job;
- Professionalism is knowing how to do it, when to do it and actually doing it. Frank Tyger.
- Understands that his job title means nothing unless it is turned into action,
- Learnt a long time ago that he/she is only as good as their last gig;
- And that 1957 was the last year in which you could brag about having an MBA. Now it’s best to keep it quiet until people ask: how come you are so brilliant?
- Spends little time with negative people;
- Learns from those who are older, especially the powers of reflection and wisdom;
- Learns from those who are younger especially the powers of downright silliness, spontaneity and JFDI.
- Has deleted the phrases I don’t have time…
- …When I was your age…
- If I were you…
- ..let me give you a copy of the slide-deck..
- …bl**dy marketing….
- ..I could never write a book…
- …and even if I did who would publish it…
- …play ball yourself, kids. I may join you later…
- From their vocabulary.
- Knows that leadership is a mindset.
- That listening is tough but powerful.
- That the Blackberry was a massive breakthrough but it could cause your massive breakdown if used poorly;
- That email is best batched not picked at;
- That PowerPoint is a tool not a channel;
- That there is 'dress down' and there is scruffy;
- There is 'one of the lads' and embarrassing;
- That their is ,in confidence' and gossip;
- Its very easy to attack/destroy-
- Much harder to build, augment, be a help and think abundant
- Says sorry;
- Says how can I help you?
- Doesn’t say:
- Send me a mail
- Not my area and turn away
- That’s typical of them
- Thinks...
- Reflects...
- Laughs...
- Wonders..
- Copies to learn, innovates to raise standards;
- Realises that parenting is the toughest leadership job on the planet and loves it;
- Sets an accurate expectation
- And then keeps to it.
- We've never lost an American in space, and we're sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch! Failure is not an option. Gene Kranz Apollo 13 mission.
- Believes in him/her-self;
- Knows it takes years to achieve over-night success;
- Is inspired by all kinds of sources;
- Has made endless cock-ups. But learnt from most of them.
- Will make endless cock-ups but knows he/she will grow from almost everyone of them.
- That business is a cycle: when it’s good, don’t forget that it can be bad. Build resources to be recession-proof.
- That some people love being a martyr and now is not the time to help them;
- That 99% of business can be conducted with pencil+paper+brain. Much else can be a real distraction;
- Breaking patterns such as taking a real day off or driving a different route or learning to play a key-board apart from anything else keeps you thinking.
- Life’s a journey not a destination;
- The quarterly figures are just a blip on a bigger landscape;
- Perspectives are key: 24h, this week, the quarter, 2009 and next 5y.
- Has watched many a sun-rise;
- And many a sunset;
- And knows the power of people;
- When lead by a professional;
- To make the world a better place.
Bonus 1: Professionalism 101 the hard-copy mini-book.
Bonus 2: Be Bold 101, the movie.