- Persistence. Be persistent. Few will support you at all, a few will get fed up with your passion and you know your mum would support you whatever. No, you have got to keep on..... trying to get Chapter 4 written, venture capital funding, through to that decision maker..... Whatever: persist. Another call, another letter, another meeting, another 500 words, another half-marathon, another day, another rejection, another success.
- Politeness. And while you are doing it-persisting, that is- if you couple that persistence with politeness, it’s amazing who you can speak to and who will help. There aren’t so many truly polite people left in the world, so if you are one of them: doors will open. The CEO will speak to you, they will allow you to play your cello at the concert, your fee doesn't seem so high.
- Pragmatism. But get off your ’high horse’. Be willing to let it go. You got 92% or what you wanted. This will at least allow you start changing the world.
- Pencil & Paper. Stop waiting until you can afford the latest gadget: printer, furniture, car. Just get on with it-you can do pretty well all of it on pencil and paper. Plan it, price it, project manage it. And if you can't maybe, just maybe, it's too damn complicated.
- Probing. But ask deeper questions. Of the bank manger, of the prospect, of your potential business partner. Slow down now and it will allow you to be much quicker later.
- Pain. Can you take it? Sure. The pain of no spare money for months on end. Of another rejected final pitch. Of the neighbours saying you made a mistake giving up your 'safe' job. But you can take it. After all, you feel more alive, more robust and younger than ever before.
- Pasta. Pasta? Yep. It’s great value, it provides a long steady flow of energy while you put in the hours, it’s quick to prepare, it's perfect for your vegetarian guests. It allows you to be successful.